In art we say, “A piece of art is never a finished work. It answers a
question which has been asked, and asks a new question.” Simon
Muthiora Wanjiru is a gifted self-taught African contemporary
artist, who is obviously one of the best in Kenya.
SimonMuthiora comes froma small village inNakuru, andwas born in
26th, June 1985, to a single mother and one sibling. As a child, Simon
was not exposed to the art suppliesmany childrenmight have had the
privilege of growing up with in their homes and schools. Instead, he
discoveredhis talentwayback in 1993whenhe joinedclass 2, asmuch
as his memory would allow him to remember, he used to draw on his
class two text book covers, exercise books and any other medium
readily available to him. As he grew up Simon attended a school that
did not includemuch art in the curriculum, nevertheless his passion to
draw persisted and he was lucky enough to have other famous artist
mentor his gift to what it is today.
Simon says his inspiration for art is the beautiful nature and life found
in his country Kenya. “I do love nature and being creative is the only
way to appreciate it, art makesme feel like I belong to this world, art is
not what you see, but what you make others see, I believe God was an
artist because he designed and created everything to its finest touch
or finish.”
Simon currently resides in Nairobi and works for Crown paints (K)
Ltd as a painter and does wall murals and office graffiti. His paintings
include wildlife paintings, abstract paintings and portraiture. “Art will
remain to be the most astonishing activity of mankind born out of
struggle between wisdom and madness, between dreams and reality
in our minds.”
“As music is the poetry of sound, so is painting the poetry of sight” –
James McNeill Whistler