By Evelyne Kibe
Blue, purple and deep red fruits and vegetables are full of anthocyanins
and proanthocyanins, both antioxidants associated with keeping the
heart healthy and the brain functioning optimally. These can be found in
blackberries, blueberries, black grapes, beetroot blackcurrants, purple
plums, figs, raisins, red cabbage and eggplant. Other research has shown
that they can help prevent painful urinary tracts infections (UTIs), heart
disease, diabetes and also lower blood pressure.
• Add a handful of blueberries or blackberries or a tablespoon of raisins
to breakfast cereals or porridge.
• Slice up some eggplant and top with feta cheese and basil for a perfect
side dish.
You’ve probably heard of the phrase ‘eat the rainbow’. Eating the rainbow is a phrase commonly used to refer to eating a variety of fruits and
vegetablesinorderforyoutogetallthevitaminsandmineralsthatyourbodyrequires.AccordingtoJamesA.Joseph, phD,chiefoftheneuroscience
lab at the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Human Nutrition Research centre on Aging at Tufts University, unlike human beings, plants cannot
protect themselves from the sun by putting on hat or sunscreen. Therefore, in order to survive, they create chemicals with anti- inflammatory and
antioxidant effects. When we eat the plants, these substances are passed on to us. Belowwe will break down fruits and vegetables in terms of their
colour and what their colour means to your health.
Cruciferous vegetables which include cauliflower, green cabbage, garden
cress, broccoli, turnips, brussels sprouts contain compounds that help
in prevention of cancer by increasing the production of enzymes that
clear toxins from the body. Some cruciferous vegetables have shown
the ability to stop the growth of cancer cells for tumours in the breast,
uterine lining, lungs colon, liver and cervix.
• Sauté cauliflower with garlic, minced ginger and a dash of soy sauce
for and Asian flavour twist.
• Steam chopped cabbage and season it with cumin seeds for a healthy
side dish.
These include foods such as carrots, sweet potatoes, mangoes, oranges,
pumpkin and apricots. They are known to help in keeping your eyes, bones
and immune system healthy. They also contain some anti-oxidant properties.
• Blend some mangoes and any other fruits of your choice for a refreshing
glass of natural juice.
• Combine chopped papaya, coconut meat and coconut water and blend
for a quick drink.
Red foods such as tomatoes andwatermelon contain lycopene, a phytochemical
that may help protect against prostate and breast cancer. Men who want to
reduce their risk of prostate cancer should eat foods rich in lycopene as part
of their recommended 5 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Other red
foods include pink grape fruits; raspberries guava and red pepper.
• Blend watermelon and lemonade, add inmint leaves and serve over ice cubes.
• Have breakfast like a king and throw in some raspberries in your cereal.