lasting impression
Interior design is a unique profession that is practiced by a few but
appreciated by many people of different ages. Meet Ashna Patel
who has lived her dreamof making people’s homes, offices and free
spacesmorestriking fromearlychildhood.Ashna, starteddeveloping
apassion for coloursmanyyearsagoas shebelievedcoloursnot only
lookbeautiful on thewallsbut alsomakeher expressherself inamore
specific and unexplainable way. She has pleasure in transforming
spacesandmakingpeoplesmileand feelmoreathome.
Eleven years ago, she decided to venture into interior designing on a
full time basis to enable her tomakeover people’s empty spaces. As
a result, she formed her company, ‘Lasting Impressions’, primarily
to facilitate her to change ordinary spaces into great living spaces.
After establishing herself in the market, she says people started
approachingher duringconstructionstages so that shecouldbeable
to comprehend the entire concept to make the whole process run
“Interior design ismypassionand I loveusingCrownPaintsproducts
when working because of their quality; you can’t go wrong with the
brand,” she added. However, she says interior design requires one to
knowall the details required to bring out that particular outlook that
one desires. “When being contracted for jobs, I always sit downwith
theclient tobeable tounderstand their natural likingof howtheir free
spaceshould lookbeforeembarkingontheassignment”, sheadds.
She says clients always have their preferences based on what they
haveseeneither inshowrooms, fashionmagazinesor a friends’ place
anddemand the same. However, basedon their free space available,
desired results. She discloses that before commencing thework, for
instanceahomes interior, shehas toconsiderall of the family’sdesign
interestsparticularly for bedrooms, the living roomand thekitchen to
ensure that all arehappywithherworkoncompletion.
Since the establishment of her firm, she has traversed the country
attending to various customerswith their interior needs. Ashna says
target audience and style and it is therefore important toensure that
all thebasicneedsaremetwithintheirbudget.
Ashna also offers consultancy services for some of her clients
especially when held up with other projects just to ensure people
enjoy their space. As she concludes, she shares her piece of advice
for people willing to pursue her career by stating that, “success in
anything you do depends on one’s ability of exploring deeply the
inner talents and gifts granted to them by God.” She disputes the
notion that interior design is for a few individuals but argues that it is
a service that anybody canembrace regardless of their position. It all
lies inone’swillingness tobeadventurous todiscover new ideasusing