fashion with colour
It is no secret that colour and pattern are nowdominating themen’s
fashion world. However, on some occasions, men will still be very
wary when it comes to style or colour and they will loathe to fully
contemporarysocietyarenowbuying the ideaof fashionwithvarious
natureof it, themajorityarestillmorecomfortablemaintainingstatus
quowhen it comes totraditional colourssuchasblue, blackorwhite.
There is a big disparity betweenmen and women when it comes to
dressing. Studiescarriedout over theyears indicate that the favourite
colours of men and women do differ. Women will always want to be
unique in their dressing contrary tomost men who will prefer to be
uniform, opting for more conservative colours for fear of probably
Traditionally men have been associated with colours that are
considered tobemasculine. However, this adageno longer holds any
waterasmenarespringingonthescenewithdifferentlooks. Theyare
adventuring and donning outfits that speak about them. The prints,
patterns and bold coloured outfits that are emerging can attest the
revolution inmen’sdressingand it goeswithout saying that epic style
For instance, the colour pink has always been known to be more
femaleorientedbut that wouldbe imposingon today’s viewof pink in
andhowtowear pink. Amandressed inpinkattire isonewhonot only
has style but oozes confidence. This is confirmed by researchwhich
shows thatmenwho dressed in clothes of different shades of colour
aremore secure in character than those who are always bearers of
commonordull colours.
When it comes to fabrics, men have always been found to be loyal
to cotton but when it comes to colour men experiment as much
as women do. These days, men wear coloured, printed socks and
look smart in them. Bow ties are no longer the norm during formal
occasions since cravats have taken their place. Scarfs are also
formulatedto fit theneckandact asa tie.
The lapel is also an emerging trend that has revolutionalisedmen’s
outfitscomplimentinga tieandapocket square in recent times.Most
men would still wear it with a matching tie and look stunning. How
at theofficeandstill lookdecent?
colourful shortsand lookamazing, sendingout astatement thatmen
and colours are cozy friends. As the cliché says, dress the way you
wouldwant tobe judgedandaddressed.