Dial a Paint

‘Paint’ at your Door-Step!

It’s a pretty busy world out there. Our typical day ends with quite a bunch of the day’s junk unfinished and this spills over to the next day’s schedule turning it into a treadmill. With the endless daily hustle and bustle, one either needs a 36-hour day or a helping- hand to clear all the day’s in-tray. Better still, if this helping hand is a phone-call away you’ll surely be having one foot in Utopia.

In our constant endeavour to deliver quality services promptly and conveniently, we are pleased to offer a new paint-delivery service dubbed ‘Dial a Paint.’ Crown ‘Dial a Paint’ offers the ultimate quick-fix delivery solution for paint at your doorstep. Other extras that come with this first-time service include:

  • Spot-on quotes.
  • Prompt start of projects.
  • Colour matching & consultancy.
  • Painting of residential (interior & exterior).
  • Furniture painting & restoration.
  • Roof restoration.
  • Special finishes(textured) & custom projects.
  • Unbeatable warranties.

‘Dial a Paint’ is the latest in our supplementary services aimed at customer comfort and satisfaction. Our team of professional painters are drawn from the creme dela creme of the ‘Team Kubwa‘ painters club.

We are committed to providing the highest standards of quality service and workmanship. Being at the forefront of new technology, trends and techniques it is no doubt we have the capacity to meet clients’ expectations and beyond.

‘Dial a Paint’ takes a personal interest in the tastes and preferences of clients. We are driven by four core values:

  • Quality.
  • Service.
  • Assurance.
  • Convenience.

We aim at developing a closer relationship with our clients to ensure they get the best advice before the job, during the job and even months or years later down the track.

We are presently within Nairobi and its environs but structural adjustments are in place to see this service spread countrywide. Our focus is on quality and consistent service as we formalize the strong commitment of ‘Dial a Paint’ in delivering the best to every client, every time!

Go ahead now! Grab your phone and dial 0709 887 000 or email dialapaint@crownpaints.co.ke for ‘paint at your doorstep!’