Media Centre: News & Events

Crown Paints’ Compassionate Gesture to Flood Victims

From left to right: Crown Paints Vice Chairman Hussein Ramji, Mathare Social Justice Centre Administrator Jennifer Omae and Crown Paints Chief Operating Officer Richard Muturi.

In a gesture of goodwill and support, Crown Paints Kenya PLC extended a helping hand to flood victims in the Mathare Area and its neighbouring communities by donating stationery and school bags. The initiative aimed to ease the burdens faced by those affected by the recent floods in the wake of schools re-opening.

The donation spearheaded by the Vice Chairman Hussein Ramji and Chief Executive Officer Richard Muturi was graciously received by Jennifer Omae of Mathare Social Justice Centre.  The Centre comprises of a collective of young community activists in Mathare who came together in 2014 to envision an organisation that would advocate for more participatory forms of justice. The event underscores Crown Paints’ mission of transforming lifestyles within the communities which it operates and its dedication to assisting the vulnerable.

The Collaboration between Crown Paints and Mathare Social Justice Centres highlights the power of community solidarity.