How Colours Can Affect You

The environment we live in is full of colours. Colours have a great impact on human life. Colours have the power to change your mood, behaviours, and even your diet and even those you find attractive. Therefore, in this discourse, we are going to investigate and understand how colours affect us.

1. Your Memory

Colours make one remember something or somewhere in the past. For instance, seeing red around will cause you to recall some negative incidences in the past. Similarly, seeing green will makes to remember positive vibes and as a result, it may help you have a happier view of your life and a healthier state of mind.

2. Your Libido

Some research has noted that red evokes some love motions in the minds of either a lady or a man. A lady will tell you that a man dressed in red is more desirable, likewise, a man who sees a lady in red will say the lady is attractive. Though colours don’t make people of either gender likeable or kind, it only affects the physical aspects.

3. Your Relationships

Some colours bring a feeling of happiness. Colours like green, pink, or white help people tune into happy feelings. If you want to make people around you happy, it is a good thing to paint the walls of your home or house with the mentioned colours. The colours also make it harder to recognize sad ones.

4. Your Emotions

Researchers say that the Green, pink and white colours make positive emotions stronger and negative emotions weaker. Notwithstanding, red has the opposite effect and makes negative emotions — like those linked to failure and danger — more intense.

5. Your Creativity

Scientists say that the colour green helped people do better with both word-based and picture-based activities. So, if you’re looking for a new colour for your office walls, think green. Or move your desk out to the golf course.

6. Your Appetite

Are you aware that the colour of your plate can affect how much you eat? However, the contrast is also true, the more different the colour of the plate from the colour of the food that’s on it, the less you’ll serve yourself.
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