Monthly Archives: February 2021

Basement Waterproofing

February 22, 2021

As the cost and availability of real estate increases in urban areas, basements are becoming more and more common in new structures such as high-rise buildings, commercial complexes etc. Basements can provide space for most commercial activities, storage, archives, plant rooms or car parking. In residentials, they provide valuable additional space, which can be efficiently […]

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Bathroom Waterproofing

February 15, 2021

Water can do a lot of damage in a residential building, particularly when it goes undetected for a long period of time. If a wet area/bathroom is not waterproofed correctly, water can seep out undetected into other areas of the home. This can cause: Rising damp – where water rises through walls, floors and masonry […]

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Roof Waterproofing

February 8, 2021

In any construction, the longevity of the building depends to a great extent on the waterproofing of the roof. One should bear in mind that the roof accounts for 30% of the structure’s surface, so it pays to have it correctly waterproofed to keep the rest of the structure safe from damage due to water […]

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A new house is a cherished dream for all home buyers and therefore proactive measures should be taken towards mitigating risks such as damages incurred due to water leakage. As the widely known phrase correctly states, “A stitch in time saves nine”, any proactive effort towards risk mitigation initiatives such as waterproofing through the usage […]

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