DIY Or Professional Painter? A Few Things To Consider

When it comes to painting, you can choose to do it yourself or hire a professional. Whatever you decide will determine how satisfied you are with the result. There are a lot of things to consider on whether to do it yourself or empty your pockets and get a professional to do it.


Weigh the costs
If saving money is what you are aiming for, then DIY is the best choice to go for. The only things you need in this case are the materials for painting. You don’t have to worry about transport and labour costs. Also consider if saving money is more important than your time and sanity. It takes a lot of effort to paint. If you would rather not stress over it just to save a few bucks, then hiring a professional is ideal in this case.


Is time an issue?
Ask yourself if you have the time needed to do all that needs to be done before you complete your move. If you don’t have loads of time on your hands as is the case in the middle of a move, then hire a professional. The actual wall painting is straightforward; it’s getting supplies and prep work. Professionals know to include all this in their estimate. If you can’t factor all this and not spend too much time on one wall, they DIY is not for you.


How big is the job?

What exactly are you going to be painting? Obviously an entire house is more work than a single room. If you have time, you can end up saving money on doing bigger rooms on your own. Consider what the walls need as well. Dealing with holes, cracks, water stains and peeling paint takes some skill and effort. If you can do all this on your own then go for it. If it all seems overwhelming, then call in an expert to do the job.


At a glance: DIY Vs. hiring a painter boils down to this


DIY pros

No labour costs

Represents fresh beginnings

Sense of accomplishment


Painter pros


Better quality

Faster time to completion


DIY cons

Time commitment

Cost of supplies

Detail issues


Painter cons

Research and estimates take time

Labour expenses

“Professional” is sometimes loosely defined


Take all this into consideration when making the decision to paint on your own or hire a professional. Once you do, the whole process should be less stressful for you.