William Shakespeare, in his play, Romeo and Juliet said, “A rose by any other name would never smell as sweet”. The time has come for us at Crown to drop ‘Berger’ from our name and replace it with ‘Paints’ all the while remaining as ‘sweet ‘(if not sweeter).
Following a resolution passed at our company’s 55th AGM on June 21, 2012, we are now officially Crown Paints Kenya Ltd.
Crown Paints Kenya Ltd has acquired Crown Tanzania and relinquished the Berger business and brand both in Kenya and Tanzania. All our business interest in Tanzania will be channelled and operated under our Tanzania subsidiary, Crown Paints Tanzania Ltd.
But that is not all! Crown Paints has now ventured into Tanzania and have a Depot in Arusha, as a prelude to establishing a factory. the operation will be a parralel to Crown Paints Kenya Ltd, incusing the opreations, products and services of our business partners.
Crown’s partners are regional and world players. Flowcrete is the world leared of seamless floor systems, Plascon means ‘Paint’ to all South Africans heritage.
As we look to forge ahead, let’s spare a moment to glance backward at our past. Below are some facts that you, our readers, may or may not know about the History of Crown Paints Kenya Ltd:
Did you know that………….?
– Crown was born in 1897 under the name Walpamur Co. in Darwen Lancashier, United Kingdom.
– The forunner to Emulsions as we know them was ‘Distemper’ – Also known as Waly
- Walpamur Paint from the 1950’s
– Crown Paints started its operations in Kenya in 1958, with Berger Paints and Layland as its main competitors.

Crown Paints Old Factory
– Crown Paints overtook Berger Paints as a market leader in 1986 and subsequently bought it to form Crown Berger Paints.

Berger Paints Logo
– Between 1982 and 1991 Crown Paints ran parallel businesses in Fittings from key terrain pipes to BS comlied standards.
– In 1987 AFC Leopards’ became the first local club in the top football league to be sponsored by a commercial company, coutersy of Crown Paints sponsorship of the club
- AFC Leopards in their Crown Sponsored Jersey
– Crown Berger Kenya Ltd was listed at the Nairobi Stock Exchange in 1992 and the public started trading in the company’s ordinary shares on January 4, 1993
– The Charania Family acquired Crown Berger Kenya Ltd in 1998
– In 2006, Crown Berger Kenya Ltd was awarded ISO 9001 certfication for Supply Chain- SAP
- Current Crown Logo
– In 2008, Crown Berger acquired Super Brands status.
Posted by Pambo Maridadi @ Crown Paints Kenya Ltd Email: info@crownpaints.co.ke
Hi Pambo, thumbs up for this great piece! It has gone a long way in taking us gently down memory lane. That said,please, there is a bit of contextual error in your opening phrase…`A rose by any other name would NEVER smell as sweet.`Mate, this completely distorts your intended meaning,besides, that`s not Shakespeare`s phrase! The phrase goes- `A rose by any other name would smell just as sweet.` This immortal words were spoken by Juliet to Romeo confirming her unwavering love to Romeo who was a Montague(Romeo would still be Romeo despite the Montague name)! Back to our article,you squarely lose the meaning and as a result the context from your phrase.Surprisingly, it implies that Crown would never live to its billing as the top paint manufacturer after acquiring the new name. Am persuaded this wasn`t your intention whatsoever-Crown Paints will still be true to its calling in spite of the name change…`what`s in a name?` Overall, a great article!
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