Quality Policy

CROWN PAINTS KENYA PLC, a manufacturer and distributor of Paints and Allied products is committed to winning, satisfying and retaining customers through consistent manufacture and timely delivery of high-quality surface coating products in accordance with Legal, Statutory and ISO 9001:2015 Standard requirements.

The quality policy shall be supported with quality objectives, both of which shall be communicated to employees, available to interested parties and reviewed regularly in order to ensure effective implementation, suitability and continual improvement of our Quality Management Systems.


  • We shall continuously engage, empower and develop employees through professional recruitment and training on their role in the Quality Management System.
  • We shall continuously seek to understand and meet the changing needs & preferences of customers by managing our processes in a manner that ensures timely consistent delivery of high-quality products and services.
  • We commit to a Zero Defect internal standard as a quality absolute and shall hence design, operate and continuously improve our Quality Management System ( ISO 9001:2015) accordingly.
  • We shall systematically review our business risks & opportunities and take appropriate action to ensure business sustainability and continuous growth of shareholder value.
  • We shall comply with Safety, Health, Environment, and other statutory requirements by organizing our work practices to promote good housekeeping and performing jobs right, first time every time.
  • Quality policy and broad Objectives shall be supported with specific, measurable & time-bound objectives implemented and monitored at the relevant functions, levels, and processes within the organization.

Here are the policies: